Marketing Strategy



Marketing Strategies play an important role in commerce . without marketing seller or buyer cannot survive. If you are into digital marketing than you need to identify marketing blogs that will nudge you to keep at you to keep at your game.

Here is best 4  marketing related blogs that you should read and learn:


Unbounce is the official blog run and owned by unbounce which is plataform that help marketers create, convert, integrate, and optimize landing pages. 

If you are struggled to create landing pages that convert and do the job, unbounce blog is where you will find all the answers.

2. Quick Sprout:

The quick sprout is a marketing blogs by neil patel where you will be find guides and tips on everything on digital marketing with a focus on traffic generations. if you religiously read quick sprout I am sure you will be never have to struggle for web traffic again.

If you have not read anything on online marketing this guide will be more than enough.

3. Hub Spot:

Marketing strategies to be incomplete without hub spot. they have a massive marketing and sales blog where you will be find data driven blog posts , case studies, templates, guides, expert opinion and everything about inbound marketing.

4.Content marketing institute:

CMI publishes new articles on content marketing and copywriting every single day. Not just that you will be find content marketing guides and templates but they talk about recent news and events in the content marketing space.

Steps Of Marketing Strategy

Apart from the points discussed in the above section of the article, what are the key things you should include when working on your company’s Marketing Strategy?

  1. Begin with a documented marketing plan: A strong marketing strategy requires research and communication. A written plan with crucial information acts like a roadmap for marketers to travel to your desired destination—the goals you aim to influence.
  2. Understand your target audience and the market: Researching customers, market trends, and competition empowers marketers to differentiate products, pricing, distribution, promotion, packaging, and positioning. Accurate research to direct marketing efforts is essential for a marketing strategy—and team—to be successful.
  3. Define your unique value proposition and key differentiators: In this step, marketing strategists translate research into action. Marketing must influence product research and development, brand identity with visuals and voice, and unique positioning and benefits statements.
  4. Set marketing goals and objectives: After marketing strategists understand the market opportunity, they may set smart, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely (SMART) goals.
  5. Identify the marketing approaches and media to reach your target audience: The goal of marketing is to generate profitable customer action. Marketing strategy focuses on stakeholders and practitioners by documenting marketing funnel stages, selecting the marketing tactics with the greatest potential to influence the goals and objectives, and defining the channels the organization will leverage to execute the plan.
  6. Execute and publish marketing activities: A marketing plan is only beneficial when a company actualizes it. Marketing strategists must identify when campaigns will launch and how contributors will collaborate with their resources to make the vision a reality.
  7. Measure and analyze results: Marketing strategists know that if you ship but neglect to measure your impact, you haven’t achieved anything. Successful marketers measure how their activities influence the goals and objectives outlined in the marketing strategy. From there, ideation from audits may lead to tests and iterations that may be even more influential in achieving marketing goals.
A perfect conclusion in marketing is one that identifies important matters and provides evidence-based strategies for the industry. It should address the transformations taking place in emerging markets and the challenges and opportunities they present .


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